

发布时间: 2024-05-07 16:31:27北京青年报社官方账号



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And if they did want to buy instead of building, the tech guys would have to decide if they want to make it proprietary. If they did, they would cut out a core part of the Netflix strategy, because the service is currently available to just about every box and device on the market. If they didn’t, they’d be spending money to help boost their competitors’ platforms.


And more recently, I think some of the really interesting use cases are around machine learning. People put data in S3, and some of them do machine learning now and some of them want to do machine learning in a year. But Marinus Analytics is a company that’s based out in Boston, and they build AI tools. What they’re doing right now is that they are running Amazon Rekognition, which is a image recognition machine learning service, off images stored in S3 to help identify and find victims of human trafficking.


And to be certain, a whole lot of good has come to the Seattle region for being lucky enough to be the place where Jeff Bezos had a garage and an idea for selling books online.


Andy Lau shows up for the first time and speaks at the premiere of his new film The Adventures in Beijing, Aug 8, 2017, after six-month convalescence from injury. [Photo/China.org.cn]


Analysts were surprised that five rigs were added in the Permian Basin despite the big price differential between Midland and WTI due to pipeline bottlenecks. They considered the pipeline bottlenecks as a big threat against production growth of the Permian Basin.


